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Cancel U.S. Aid to Egypt’s Military Dictatorship

Take a look at these two articles, one from the Washington Times and the other from the Los Angeles Times: Egypt’s Real Ruler: Military Leader Tantawi Will Egypt’s Generals Yield? What’s the significance of those two articles? They describe the true nature of Egypt’s governmental system, notwithstanding the recent election of Islamic leader Mohamed Morsi to the presidency. Both articles explain that Egypt continues to be governed by a military dictatorship, the same type of military dictatorship that has been governing the country for decades. Why is that important to Americans? Because the U.S. government continues to send foreign aid to the Egyptian military to the tune of $1.3 billion a year. That’s billion, with a “b.” Let’s remind ourselves where the U.S. government gets that $1.3 billion. With the help of the IRS, it extracts it from the income of the American people. That is, U.S. officials require Americans, by law, to send to the federal government a ...

Needed: A National Debate on U.S. Support of Dictatorships

While the U.S. government continues to squawk about the Assad dictatorship’s oppression of the Syrian people, Americans need to constantly keep in mind that the squawking has nothing to do with any principled objection to dictatorship or tyranny. Instead, it has everything to do with the fact that the Assad dictatorship is not a loyal member of the U.S. Empire. Thus, the purpose of the squawking is to not to help the Syrian people escape tyranny but instead simply an effort to bring about a regime change, one in which a new regime, even a dictatorial one, replaces the Assad regime, with the new regime hopefully becoming a loyal pro-U.S. member of the U.S. Empire. The discomforting truth is that the U.S. government has nothing against foreign dictatorships in general, so long as the dictatorships are loyal to the U.S. Empire. Consider Iran. From 1953 to 1979, Iran was governed by a regime headed by the Shah of Iran, one of ...

The Pentagon, the Troublemaker

My article this past Tuesday, “Partnering with the Communists,” detailed how the Pentagon is doing its best to partner with the communist regime in Vietnam in order to provoke crises with China. The Pentagon’s troublemaking strategy is already working. According to Reuters, “Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday he will boost military cooperation with China, including holding more joint exercises, after the United States announced plans to shift most of its warships to the Asia-Pacific by 2020. Putin referred to recent Sino-Russian joint navy exercises in the Yellow Sea as an example of military cooperation which, he said, would go on.” You see? How long before the Pentagon and the CIA will begin making ominous announcements of a renewal of the Cold War, when the communists were threatening to conquer the United States? Why, before long they’ll be telling us that the communists and the terrorists are coming to get us, at the same time, and that ...