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You searched for "chile" and here's what we found ...

Did the National Security State Wiretap Trump?

I confess that I don’t know if the national security state wiretapped Donald Trump or not. But guess what: Neither do all those people in the mainstream press who are indignant — absolutely indignant — that anyone, especially the president of the United States — would suggest such a thing. On what basis do they arrive at absolute certainty that Trump’s enemies in the national-security establishment didn’t wiretap him? On the basis that leading figures in the national-security branch of the federal government have said that they didn’t wiretap him. Is that ridiculous, or what? After all, these people lie, don’t they? They especially lie when they believe that the lie is in the interest of national security. Equally important, they all know that unlike people in the private sector, like Martha Stewart, if they are caught lying or perjuring themselves, nothing is going to happen to them anyway. Let’s assume that they really did wiretap Trump. What are the chances that they’re going ...

Bemused Over Russian “Meddling”

I must confess that liberals and the liberal press are amusing me to no end over their heated and exuberant reaction to the Trump-Russia meddling “scandal.” I find the whole controversy to be absolutely hilarious. A question that stands out in all this: What’s wrong with an American politician “colluding” with a Russian politician to win an American election? “Treason!” the liberals and the liberal press cry. But doesn’t treason entail giving aid and comfort to the enemy? How can Russia be considered an enemy when the United States isn’t at war with Russia? And puhleeze don’t hit me with “It’s another Cold War, Jacob!” because the first Cold War wasn’t a real war either (just as the war on terrorism or the war on drugs aren't real wars either). A real war entails armies, invasions, attacks, bombings, troops, deaths, and destruction (like what the U.S. government did to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam). There is nothing like that going on between ...

Moral Bankruptcy, Left and Right

When it comes to foreign policy and the U.S. government’s imperial and interventionist role in the world, it is sometimes difficult to determine which faction of statists — liberal or conservative — is the more hypocritical and morally blind. Consider the following editorial in today’s New York Times entitled “The U.S. Should Not Be Egypt’s Accomplice.” When I read that title, my immediate reaction was, “Okay, this is going to be a solid editorial calling on the U.S. government to stop partnering with and supporting, especially with money and weaponry, the brutal, tyrannical military dictatorship that has long ruled Egypt. As I began reading through the editorial, it was clear to me that the Times’s editorial board does recognize that the Egyptian regime is, in fact, a tyrannical regime. Egypt has long been ruled by an unelected military dictatorship, which, in and of itself, connotes tyranny. But it is certainly not a benign tyranny. When it violently ousted the democratically elected ...

Trump’s Militarism and Isolationism

I cannot recommend too highly an op-ed that appeared in yesterday’s Washington Post, entitled, “Quit Calling Donald Trump an Isolationist. He’s Worse than That” by Stephen Wertheim, a Fellow in History at King’s College at the University of Cambridge. It is an absolutely excellent analysis of Trump, foreign policy, militarism, and isolationism. Those who support U.S. interventionism around the ...

The Assassination of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Immediately after the bombing that killed Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt, Michael Moffitt began screaming, “DINA!” “Assassins!” The Washington, D.C., police who had arrived on the scene were mystified. Who the heck is Dina? they wondered. Moffitt was referring to the National Intelligence Directorate, an internal military-intelligence force within ...

Will the CIA Retaliate Against Trump?

In a truly remarkable bit of honesty and candor regarding the U.S. national-security establishment, new Senate minority leader Charles Schumer has accused President-elect Trump of “being really dumb.” Was Schumer referring to Trump’s ideology, philosophy, or knowledge about economics or foreign policy? None of the above. According to an article in The Hill, he told Rachel Maddow on her show that ...