Search Query: laurence vance republicans

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You searched for "laurence vance republicans" and here's what we found ...

Whither U. S. Energy Policy?

President Obama has authorized the release of 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The oil reserve is currently at a historically high level of 727 million barrels. “We are taking this action in response to the ongoing loss of crude oil due to supply disruptions in Libya and other countries and their impact on the global economic recovery,” said Energy Secretary Steven Chu. The president has also called for a one-third cut in oil imports by 2025, wider use of natural gas, incentives to use natural gas to fuel fleets of vehicles such as city buses, greater production of biofuels, the establishment of four commercial scale refineries producing cellulosic ethanol or advanced biofuels within the next two years, higher fuel efficiency standards for heavy trucks, and for oil companies to make greater use of federal leases to increase domestic oil output. Obama’s 2009 “stimulus package” set aside $70 billion in grants ...

Two Wrongs on Libya Won’t Make a Right

Since the day President Obama began his military escapade against Libya on March 19, members of Congress have expressed indignation because they were not consulted. Not, mind you, because they necessarily oppose any of the wars the United States has been or is currently involved in, but because they were not asked to sign off on the military action. Now, over three months and hundreds of millions of dollars later, Congress is beginning to take action. But is that a good thing? House Speaker, John Boehner sent a letter to the president warning him that he was out of time under the War Powers Act that says the president must terminate a military mission ninety days after notifying Congress that troops have been deployed into some hostility. Boehner also says that the president lacks the support of members of the House for authorizing the Libyan military operation. Several House members are backing measures to cut off funds for the Libyan intervention (with exceptions, ...

A Letter from Jacob Hornberger: Libertarianism and the Presidential Race

Dear Friend of Freedom, With two libertarian Republicans, Ron Paul and Gary Johnson, running for president, libertarianism is certain to be a topic of political conversation in the next 18 months. The Future of Freedom Foundation is well positioned to participate in what is clearly going to be a national discussion and debate on libertarian principles and philosophy. I am writing to seek your help in this endeavor.   As a nonprofit educational foundation, FFF is precluded from promoting political candidates or parties, and we certainly have no intention of doing so. However, we are able to do what political candidates are oftentimes unable to do owing to the nature of the political process: While candidates must often depend on sound bites to get their message across, we are able to provide longer, more in-depth explanations and analyses of issues from a libertarian perspective, inducing people to think about and reflect on matters in more depth. Undoubtedly, libertarianism will also be the subject ...

The Irrelevance of the Second Amendment

The killing of six people on January 8, 2011, in Tucson, Arizona, and attempted assassination of a “public servant” and her staff members has brought forth a predictable response from the left and gun-control groups: We need stricter gun-control laws to prevent tragedies like the Tucson shooting. But calls for banning extended-capacity magazines, instituting gun-free zones, more thorough background checks, ...