Search Query: chile

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You searched for "chile" and here's what we found ...

The National Security-State and JFK, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 In 1970 — twenty years after the election of Jacobo Arbenz as president of Guatemala — the Chilean people did what the Guatemalan people had done. They democratically elected a self-proclaimed socialist and communist named Salvador Allende to be president of their country. Since Allende had received only a plurality of votes, the election was thrown into the Chilean congress. However, traditionally the congress had voted to confirm as president the candidate who had the highest vote total in the general election, which was Allende. Alarm bells immediately went off in Washington, D.C., where the president and the State Department were located, and Virginia, where the Pentagon and the CIA were based. Allende was immediately viewed as a grave threat to national security, not only because of his socialist economic views but especially owing to his reaching out to the Soviet Union and communist Cuba ...

South Korea Should Give U.S. Troops the Boot, Part 2

Last April, I wrote an article entitled “South Korea Should Give U.S. Troops the Boot,” in which I argued that if the South Koreans were smart, they would order all U.S. troops out of their country immediately. For those who have not read that article, I would recommend doing so because the reasoning I set forth there are even more valid today as war clouds loom ever darker. Although the Pentagon and the CIA have succeeded in reinvigorating Cold War hostilities against Russia, most everyone today acknowledges that there is no international communist conspiracy based in Moscow to take over the United States and the rest of the world, which was the guiding principle of the Cold War. That of course was the rationale that the U.S. national-security establishment relied on for intervening in what was purely a civil war in Korea in the early 1950s. The Reds were coming to get us, the Pentagon and the CIA maintained, and ...

Charlottesville and America’s Death Machine

Amidst all the furor over President Trump’s suggestion that “both sides” are to blame in the recent violence in Charlottesville, I wish to weigh in on what I hold is a major contributing factor to the Charlottesville mayhem, including the killing of 32-year-old Heather Heyer: the U.S. government’s death machine, which has been killing millions of people in foreign lands for more than 50 years. A caveat: I am not a psychiatrist or psychologist and have not had any training in either field. My theory is precisely that — a theory. But I am convinced that it is valid and, therefore, I wish to “put it out there” for consideration. As longtime readers of my blog know, this is not the first time I have set forth this thesis. I have set it forth before in the wake of bizarre acts of violence committed here in the United States. As everyone knows, for the past 25 years the U.S. government has been ...

Venezuela’s Lessons for the United States

Lesson 1: Socialism doesn’t work. Free schooling. Free health care. Free retirement. Free welfare. Free everything. It just doesn’t work. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor ultimately makes everyone poor—i.e., the total equality of wealth that leftists love. Socialism produces economic crises, which then produce calls for more socialism and interventionism, which produce more crises. The ...

Will Trump Continue the CIA’s Cover-Up in the JFK Assassination?

Last week, the National Archives suddenly released a batch of long-secret official records relating to the JFK assassination. This was surprising because the official release date for all the JFK-assassination records, as mandated by law, is coming this October. The still-secret records amount to tens of thousands of pages of documents, many of which are records of the CIA, ...