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You searched for "MILTON FRIEDMAN" and here's what we found ...

Life in Bizarro World

Sometimes I feel like I’m living in an alternative universe, one that is similar toBizarro World, which was introduced in the early 1960s in Superman comics. It’s a world in which everything that is normal is considered abnormal, and everything that is abnormal is considered normal. Look at Iraq. Statists say, “Isn’t it wonderful how fantastic Iraq has turned out. We should be so grateful to the troops for what they have accomplished in Iraq. It’s such a wonderful paradise of freedom and democracy. Why, Iraq is a model of peace and stability thanks to the U.S. invasion and liberation of the country. The Iraqi people are so grateful to us and they love us so much. What a beautiful, peaceful, prosperous, harmonious society we have brought into existence.” On the other hand, libertarians see something completely different. We say, “Are you kidding? Iraq is nothing but a hell-hole. It’s a war-ravaged desolate wasteland of strife, conflict, death, and ...

Hornberger’s Blog, January 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Just Ditch Medicare and Medicaid I just don’t get conservatives. They say they support individual freedom, economic liberty, free markets, limited government, and the Constitution. They also say they oppose socialism, interventionism, collectivism, and paternalism. They point out that such isms just don’t work. Okay, fine. Then why don’t conservatives call for the immediate repeal of Medicare and Medicaid? Why do they focus their entire attention on calling for the immediate repeal of Obamacare and its health-insurance mandate? Surely conservatives realize that Medicare and Medicaid are socialistic programs. The government takes money through taxation and uses it to fund the healthcare expenses of the elderly and poor. Surely conservatives realize that there is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes the federal government to provide healthcare to people. Surely conservatives realize that the root of America’s health-care woes lies in Medicare and Medicaid as well as other interventions into healthcare, such as medical licensure and insurance regulations. Surely, they don’t think that simply repealing Obamacare ...

Economic Liberty and Its Abandonment, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 While the movement towards socialism and interventionism in America had been slowly gathering steam in the late 1800s and early 1900s, it was during the Franklin Roosevelt administration in the 1930s that the statist revolution was won in the United States. It was Roosevelt, more than anyone else, who brought an end to one of the most amazing freedom experiments of all time — a society in which people were free to engage in economic enterprise without government control, to keep everything they earned, to decide for themselves what to do with their own money, and to transact business with sound money (i.e., gold coins and silver coins). It was Roosevelt’s New Deal that ended America’s era of economic liberty and ushered in the era of socialism and regulation — the era of the welfare state and regulated economy — the era of out-of-control federal spending, debt, and inflation. The battle between the economic libertarians ...

Hornberger’s Blog, June 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011 Immigration Controls and a Police State Yesterday I commented on conservative Pat Buchanan’s recent anti-immigration rant. Today, I wish to comment on an aspect of immigration controls that both conservatives and liberals rarely confront — the federal government’s police-state powers that come with enforcing immigration controls. I’d venture to say that most Americans who are upset with the ...