How Not to Cut Federal Spending by Laurence M. Vance December 20, 2024 Former congressman, governor of Indiana, and vice president Michael “Mike” Pence is struggling to regain relevancy. He is probably the most prominent Republican in the country to not endorse his former boss Donald Trump for president, after dropping out of the 2024 Republican presidential race before a single caucus or primary took place. Pence said he had not spoken ...
Fiscal Insanity by Laurence M. Vance July 1, 2024 Created in 1973, the Republican Study Committee (RSC) serves as the conservative caucus of House Republicans. Its purpose is “to bring like-minded House members together to promote a strong, principled legislative agenda that will limit government, strengthen our national defense, boost America’s economy, preserve traditional values and balance our budget.” The RSC “ensures that conservatives have a powerful voice ...
Tyranny by the Numbers by John W. Whitehead April 19, 2024 The government wants your money. It will beg, steal or borrow if necessary, but it wants your money any way it can get it. This is what comes of those $1.2 trillion spending bills: someone’s got to foot the bill for the government’s fiscal insanity, and that “someone” is the U.S. taxpayer. The government’s schemes to swindle, cheat, scam, ...
The Smoke and Mirrors of the Debt Ceiling Crisis by Richard M. Ebeling May 8, 2023 The Washington political establishment, the social-media pundits, and the editorial pages of many newspapers have all been warning of a fiscal Armageddon if the national debt limit is not raised in the very near future. The danger, it is said, is that the U.S. government might default on its interest payments, sending the domestic economy and the international financial ...
Only a Renewed Belief in Liberty Can End America’s Fiscal Follies by Richard M. Ebeling May 1, 2023 The Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) February 2023 report, Budget and Economic Outlook, 2023-2033, documents just how serious the fiscal dilemma is facing the United States. In a nutshell, the federal government’s debt is on a dangerous trajectory, future annual budget deficits are huge as far as the eye can see, and the “entitlement programs” — Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid ...
Five Trillion Dollars Is Not Enough by Laurence M. Vance November 17, 2022 The federal government seized from the American people almost $5 trillion ($4.896119 trillion) in fiscal year 2022 (Oct. 1, 2021 through Sept. 30, 2022), according to The Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the United States Government (MTS), published by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service. But this was still not enough to quench Uncle ...
‘We the People’ Are the New, Permanent Underclass in America by John W. Whitehead April 12, 2022 “We are now speeding down the road of wasteful spending and debt, and unless we can escape we will be smashed in inflation.”—Herbert Hoover This is financial tyranny. The U.S. government—and that includes the current administration—is spending money it doesn’t have on programs it can’t afford, and “we the taxpayers” are the ones who must foot the bill for the government’s ...
Biden’s $3.5 Trillion “Make Big Government Even Bigger” Plan by Richard M. Ebeling October 11, 2021 President Joe Biden journeyed from the White House to the Capitol building on October 1, 2021. There he admonished and pressured Democratic Party Senators and Congressmen to come together and pass both his $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and his $3.5 trillion Build Back Better Act, which might more accurately be called the Make Big Government Even Bigger bill. He ...
Biden’s Demagoguery that Government Spending is Costless by Richard M. Ebeling October 5, 2021 There is only one way to describe the fiscal mindset of those in the White House and in Congress who are proposing new federal budgetary expenditure and taxing increases in the trillions of dollars: a fantasy land of financial irrationality. The Biden Administration insists on additions to the already bloated American welfare state that will see an expansion in entitlement ...
America’s Fiscal History: From Liberty to Paternalism by Richard M. Ebeling September 28, 2021 If passed in its proposed forms, the $3.5 trillion of new “entitlement” programs and spending over the next ten years, and the accompanying call for increases in a wide variety of taxes, will represent the largest expansion of the American welfare state since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society agenda in the second half of the 1960s. It will further envelop ...
More Government Debt as Far as the Fiscal Eye Can See by Richard M. Ebeling July 30, 2021 For the last two years, the federal government has been legally at liberty to borrow any amount of money necessary to cover its deficit spending under the Bipartisan Budget Act of August 2019. Unless Congress extends this Act or raises the official debt limit, starting on August 1, 2021 Uncle Sam will only be able ...
Unhinged…..And Then Some! by David Stockman December 21, 2020 Jerome Powell puts you in mind of the boy who killed both of his parents and then threw himself on the mercy of the court on the grounds that he was an orphan! That’s what JayPo essentially did in his presser yesterday while trying to explain that the most hideous equity market bubble in history is actually not that at ...