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Hornberger's Blog

Dismantle America’s Military Behemoth

An article in last Sunday’s New York Times provided an interesting analysis of the Egyptian military, one that holds some important lessons for America. The article described the military in Egypt as “the single most powerful institution in an autocratic state facing its toughest test in decades, an imminent presidential succession.” The military, which has been the recipient of almost $40 billion ...

Obama and Bush: Mismanagers of the Economy

With the approaching elections, we are being treated to the expected political attack by Republican candidates — that President Obama has mismanaged the economy. In fact, within one day of Obama’s taking control over the presidency, Republicans were already railing against his socialism and his out-of-control federal spending, debt, and taxes, and the dismal state of the economy. Never mind, ...

Barack Obama: Torturer-and-Assassin-in-Chief

The Ninth Circuit’s ruling yesterday in the case of Binyam Mohamed vs. Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc. confirms two things: the U.S. government wields the omnipotent, unreviewable power to torture people and, two, that Barack Obama, despite his much ballyhooed pre-election campaign hype about “change,” is actually just serving George W. Bush’s third term in office. The plaintiffs’ claims against Jeppesen arose out of ...