Search Query: minimum wage

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Social Justice Fallacies

Social Justice Fallacies by Thomas Sowell (Basic Books, 2023) Now 93, Thomas Sowell continues to produce excellent work — work that would help the United States escape from the grip of statism if people would heed him. Sowell has just published a new book, Social Justice Fallacies, and it contains a wealth of common sense about that terrible menace to freedom and prosperity, namely the Left’s demand that we transform the country to conform to its concept of “social justice.” The obsession with equality The central obsession of the Left is with equality. Their complaints about a free, truly liberal society usually stem from the fact that freedom doesn’t result in equality, therefore requiring that government employ coercion to bring it about. In the past, those people, who misleadingly call themselves “progressives,” insisted that government power be employed to ensure equal opportunity for individuals. But after decades of government efforts aimed at that, the progressives have taken to demanding ...

America Needs a Great Reset

For several years now, and especially since the beginning of the COVID-19 “pandemic” fiasco, we have been told that the world needs a “great reset.” World Economic Forum (WEF) executive chairman Klaus Schwab famously said in June of 2020: “The COVID- 19 crisis has shown us that our old systems are not fit any more for the 21st century. In short, we need a great reset.” He challenged the world to “act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.” He called for every county, “from the United States to China,” and every industry, “from oil and gas to tech,” to be transformed. The need of the world is a “‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” This will require “stronger and more effective governments” to “implement long-overdue reforms that promote more equitable outcomes,” make “large-scale spending programs” to “advance shared goals, such as equality and sustainability,” and “harness the innovations ...

The Principles of Economic Liberty

Why shouldn’t people be free to keep everything they earn and decide what to do with their own money? That is a question that should be asked, discussed, and debated all across the nation. In other words, why not a society in which there is no federal income tax or IRS to enforce it? No more income tax returns. No more withholding taxes. No more FICA taxes. Everyone keeps 100 percent of his income and decides for himself what to do with it — spend, save, invest, donate, or squander. Moreover, why not a society in which no one is forced to care for others through the coercive apparatus of the government? No more Social Security. No more Medicare and Medicaid. No more education grants. No more farm subsidies. No more welfare. No more aid for foreign regimes. No more coercive transfer programs at all. In other words, all charity ...

The Case for Libertarian Internationalism

Libertarians and conservatives share a common enemy. Whether it is described as liberalism, progressivism, collectivism, or socialism; whether its adherents term themselves liberals, progressives, Democrats, or democratic socialists — the agenda is the same: paternalism, universal health care, free college tuition, more gun-control laws, social justice, green energy, environmentalism, climate-change alarmism, affirmative action, government-mandated family leave, government-funded child care, ...