Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

George Orwell, Call Your Venezuelan Office

It appears that the American people are being prepared for a change of mindsets. After many years of treating Venezuela as an enemy, opponent, adversary, competitor, and rival, it seems that U.S. officials are now changing course and paving the way toward converting Venezuela to a friend, partner, and ally.  George Orwell, please call your office in Venezuela. Now that the American people will be expected to abandon the deep hostility toward Venezuela that has long been inculcated in them, there is a strong likelihood that the U.S. will also change its attitudes toward Eastasia and Eurasia. George Orwell Apparently the driving force behind this new change in policy is oil. The Biden administration is hoping to curry favor with the Maduro regime in the hopes that new supplies of oil can bring down the prices of that commodity. In that way, Biden can get people to ...

How We Got a National-Security Police State, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 The coin of the realm in any national-security state is fear. In order to induce people to surrender their rights and freedoms, officials have to inculcate deep fear within them. Thus, national-security officials are constantly coming up with official foreign enemies, opponents, rivals, and adversaries, as well as crises, to convince the citizenry that a national-security state is necessary to keep them safe and secure. Thus, during the conversion of the federal government to a national-security state after World War II, President Truman, who was presiding over the conversion, was told that he needed to scare the “hell” out of the American people. The big official enemy that was used to justify the conversion to a national-security state was communism. After the defeat of the Nazi regime in World War II, U.S. officials convinced Americans that, unfortunately, they could not rest on their laurels. The reason was that America now faced ...

The Free Market Can and Should Be Absolute

The 1932 Democratic Party platform advocated “the removal of government from all fields of private enterprise except where necessary to develop public works and natural resources in the common interest.” But since the advent of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal — a raw deal for Americans that raised taxes; forced most manufacturing industries into cartels with codes that regulated prices; paid farmers to destroy crops and livestock; empowered labor unions to organize strikes, seize plants, and commit violence; and instituted massive government intervention in the economy and society that is still with us — those on the Left have increasingly argued that markets free of government intervention lead to monopolies, economic crises, misallocation of resources, income inequality, negative externalities, market failures, and crony capitalism. But as Jeffrey Tucker, president of the Brownstone Institute, has written: “For the better part of half a century, the main opponents of the free market have come from the political Left, people who want to use ...