Is FOX News Supporting the Troops or the President? by Jacob G. Hornberger April 19, 2004 What fascinates me is how people at FOX News have convinced themselves that theyre supporting the troops while supporting the U.S. governments continued occupation of Iraq. After all, no one can honestly still claim that the troops are dying for freedom because Saddam Hussein is now in jail. Moreover, according to Iraqi Shi'ite Sheik Raed Saadi, it is now ...
April 19: Freedom’s Birthday by Scott McPherson April 1, 2004 Americans revere a great number of dates that hold special significance for their culture and history. The Fourth of July, Veterans Day, the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a quick glance through any calendar provides numerous other examples. Yet the one day of most importance, to both the nation and its culture, is the one that is conspicuously absent ...
No Wonder People Feel Disfranchised by Sheldon Richman March 29, 2004 In a recent poll of cable-television viewers, only 20 percent said the general public has much say in what the government does. Maybe people are finally catching on. It’s about time. The poll by Peter D. Hart can’t be pleasing to those who make a holy shrine of the ballot ...
I Missed Reserve Meetings for Seven Years … and I’m Still Happy about It! by Jacob G. Hornberger February 18, 2004 Democrats are taking President Bush to task for missing a year of monthly meetings in the National Guard, which he presumably joined in an attempt to avoid being sent to fight in the Vietnam War. Apparently believing that skipping such meetings is something to be ashamed of, Bush is being circumspect about the entire episode. Nonsense! He ought to be ...
Bush Worker Plan Betrays American Ideals by Sheldon Richman January 9, 2004 In proposing a temporary worker program, President Bush promised to reassess “the standard of knowledge in the current citizenship test… must ensure that new citizens know…the ideals that have shaped our history.” Maybe he should also look at the standard of knowledge for presidents. If we use the test ...
Coercion versus Freedom at Thanksgiving by Jacob G. Hornberger November 26, 2003 In response to an announcement that many Washington, D.C., residents would go hungry on Thanksgiving, a private company called Sodexho promptly delivered 1,000 turkeys to our nation’s capital. According to a Yahoo news report, Sodexho USA ( “is the leading provider of food and facilities ...
The Ron Paul Liberty in Media Awards 2002 by Jacob G. Hornberger October 31, 2003 To: Friends and Supporters of The Future of Freedom Foundation From: Jacob G. Hornberger, president Subject: The Ron Paul Liberty in Media Awards 2002 We are very pleased and honored to announce that The Future of Freedom Foundations website ( and two articles published by FFF have received awards from Congressman Ron Paul. The awards were announced in a new book entitled ...
Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society by Jacob G. Hornberger October 29, 2003 During his campaign, California’s governor-elect, Arnold Schwarzenegger, got himself into hot water with his praise of Adolf Hitler’s oratorical skills. Maybe he should have reminded people of a dark secret that went down the public-school memory hole long ago, for obvious reasons: the mutual admiration society that ...
Legal Plunder in Alabama by Sheldon Richman October 13, 2003 Most Americans would take umbrage at the suggestion that they are serfs rather than citizens of the United States. But that just shows how far removed from political reality they are. How many people would be surprised to learn that the government can take their homes if it decides ...
The Abolitionist Adventure, Part 3 by Wendy McElroy September 1, 2003 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 National attention soon focused on whether Kansas would enter the Union as a free or slave state — a matter that affected the balance of power in the Senate. The immense Kansas-Nebraska territory had been formerly closed to slavery under the Missouri Compromise. But the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 — ...
Letter to the Editor of WorldNetDaily by Sheldon Richman September 1, 2003 This letter to the editor was originally published on August 25, 2003. To the editor: Ilana Mercers recent column, in which she maliciously persists in trying to link me with the Institute for Historical Review, states, I am presuming that his own publication in the Journal of Historical Review, Volume 18, No. ...
Shame on WorldNetDaily by Jacob G. Hornberger August 25, 2003 Several days ago, WorldNetDaily, a conservative website, published an article entitled “Libertarians Who Loathe Israel,” by Ilana Mercer (email), a self-described libertarian who is a WND columnist. In her article, Mercer wrote in part, I understand that libertarians like Sheldon Richman (and the Holocaust-denying Institute for Historical ...