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The Banality of Evil in a Time of Coronavirus

When Hannah Arendt wrote about the concept that she called “the banality of evil,” she was referring to people who are engaged in evil but who actually believe that are engaged in good. They aren’t evil people, Arendt said, just good people who are unwittingly engaged in evil. You couldn’t find a better term to describe American interventionists who support the U.S. government’s economic sanctions on Iran, especially given how the coronavirus is ravaging the Iranian people. Defending the continuation of the sanctions under these dire circumstances, sanctions supporters say that the responsibility for excess deaths arising from the sanctions lies with the Iranian regime, not with the U.S. bureaucrats who are dutifully enforcing the sanctions. As soon as Iranian officials capitulate to the demands of U.S. officials or abdicate in favor of a pro-U.S. puppet regime, sanctions supporters say, the sanctions will be lifted. I have written about this banality of ...

The Absurdity of the U.S. Prosecution of Meng Wanzhou

The U.S. extradition proceedings against Chinese business executive Meng Wanzhou only goes to show the utter perversity of the U.S. government’s policy of imposing economic sanctions on foreign regimes and, in a larger context, the perversity of the entire U.S. foreign policy of interventionism and meddling in the affairs of other nations. Meng is the chief executive officer of Huawei, the large Chinese technology company that sells consumer electronics and smartphones all over the world. She has been under house arrest in Canada for a year because the U.S. government wants Canadian authorities to extradite her to the United States for trial. Meng is opposing her extradition. The extradition proceedings began yesterday in Vancouver. What is the criminal offense that U.S. officials are alleging Meng committed? U.S. officials are saying that she violated U.S. sanctions on Iran. What does a Chinese citizen have to do with U.S. sanctions on Iran? Exactly! U.S. sanctions on Iran constitute ...

Conscience Versus Blind Deep-State Allegiance

Former U.S. Air Force counterintelligence officer Monica Witt, who has defected to Iran and who U.S. officials have charged with espionage and other crimes, has members of the U.S. national-security establishment and even the mainstream press befuddled. As the New York Times put it, “But by mid-2013, Ms. Witt had become disillusioned with the government — why exactly remains a mystery.” They just can’t figure why any American, especially especially one who has been trained by the U.S. deep state and has served it, could engage in what U.S. officials and the Times call a “betrayal of the United States.” Permit me to offer the likely motive for Witt’s actions: conscience. After witnessing the horrifically immoral actions of the U.S. government toward the Iranian people for the last several decades, especially from within the bowels of the deep state, most likely Witt decided that she no longer could be part of this immorality and decided to ...

Hornberger’s Blog, January 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011 U.S.-Supported Tyranny in Egypt Among the people who might be most disturbed about the popular revolts in the Middle East are public schoolteachers across America. No, not because they necessarily oppose popular uprisings against brutal dictatorships but rather because they’re likely to be hit by an uncomfortable question from their students. “Ever since the first grade, we’ve been ...